Fotoutställning på Åsengården 22/10 2006. .
Fotoutställning på Åsengården 22/10 2006. .


Popup Pict 2















There are links who dosn´t work! Please try to go back and find another way!
December and the last week of November was rely stressful.
I need to tell You that there are meny empty days whith pictures. Not in my camera, but on this site.
My picture from that time dosen't come here; I got Job in Norway and my page was taking over!
I need to start a new site with diffrent subject. My thouts and pictures. Today I am back and update 2020-06-30
Use my pictures to tell the world what I am thinking. But today HEALTH is importent here for Swedish
Bär Kraft
Take a look!

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31 
 © Leif Rehnvall

Tider rinner iväg och båda dessa instutioner är borta! Men jag lever vidare! Trots Corona
Men lovar inget bestämt!
OrsaYran 5/7, 12/7, 19/7, 26/7 och 2/8


Jag använder
som hemsidesleverantör!

Take care of your garbage, newspapers and things like that will be recovered. A good thing for our nature!
Foolish people are destroying for outher people bay there handling, how can we learn them all good things?
We all need to pay for reconstrukting this things in the future, who will tell them??? So they understand!